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2017 Summer Update from the Regional Director

The Region 9 Summer Meeting is an opportunity for members from all five states to gather and discuss their concerns, give guidance, and report on activities within their Boards and GMOs.

All attendees are able to bring up topics, seek information and vote on any decisions.

Please look at the Region 9 minutes to see complete details of the discussions, but topics ranged from dealing with irate competitors, to membership retention, to advertising ideas and the one CDI in the midwest, put on in Houston by HDS.

Since the WEG will be in the US in 2018, HDS has been requested by the FEI to make this a three-star show – which means it will cost approximately $30,000 – $10,000 more than the two-star they have been providing.  This will allow those riders who qualify to attend the WEG !  Even though the CDI is combined with a regular USEF show, each year HDS loses money just  to provide this opportunity for our riders to experience this elite level of competition.  The motion was made and passed unanimously to donate $10,000 to the CDI to help offset the expenses.  It was felt that this is a premier event that most regions are not able to experience and to the extent we are able, we should support this effort.

I hope more of you will come to the USDF Convention in Lexington in December, and to our summer meeting next August in Grapevine.  Be a part of what is going on in our region!